Bible Studies For Personal Enrichment or Small Groups…

[Leadership Studies] | [Preaching]

 Tips for leading a small group Bible Study-

Our Bible Study Groups are a really important part of believer’s discipleship. Bible Study Groups are not merely an intellectual exercise. They are a profound enterprise in building the community of our church so that there is a strong hedge of protection around each member of the church participating. Bible Study Group leaders are responsible for-

(i) Discussing what the text actually says. This means using questions like- “Does anyone else have a different translation of that text?” “How might you re-word that text?” “What is Paul (or the author of the text) trying to say here?” “Does the context of this text affect the way we understand what is really being said here?”

(ii) Discussing what the text means. This means using questions like- “What does this [word] mean in this text?” “Can you recall any other Bible texts that shed light on this text?” “What would you say to someone who said [ridiculous interpretation of the text] ?” “Are there any Biblical exceptions to this?”

(iii) Discussing how the text applies to us. This means facilitating questions like- “Have you ever met anyone who did this text well?” “If someone wanted to improve in how they obeyed this text, what they have to do better?” “How could a believer faced with [difficult and challenging circumstances] apply this text?” “If you met someone who was struggling with this text what could you say to them to help them?” “Can you think of another text that complements this text?” “If we as a group did this verse really well, what challenges would we have had had to overcome to get there?



Leader’s introductory coaching MP3 Audio

 1. Jubal, the father of musical instruments

Study 1 – Leader’s MP3 coaching Audio

 2.  Tubal-cain, instructor in metallurgy 


3.  Elzaphan, undertaker to dead priests


4.  Ahiezer, the man who could never always be right

5.  Tertius, the near anonymous letter writer


Study 5 – Leader’s Audio MP3 Coaching  

[thaudio href=’′]Name_A_Story-05-Leaders_Study5[/thaudio]


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