Introduction to the Epistle To The Hebrews
We don’t know who wrote Hebrews, but with mounting archaeological data we can now say why it was written with more certainty than has ever been known. What you learn from this study of the Epistle To The Hebrews may startle you. It may challenge some previously held concepts you have had concerning this epistle. It is perhaps one of the most important documents we have regarding the pressure which First Century Jewish Christians found themselves under.
Too few scholars have grasped the intense pressure which First Century Christians faced to return to Judaism. They were harassed, jibed, persecuted, martyred, and ostracised for abandoning Judaism and following Jesus of Nazareth. Many Jewish Christians succumbed to this increasing pressure and simply found it easier to return to Judaism with its physical Temple, sacrifices, priesthood and holy city, which were all tangible evidences of God’s supposedly eternal covenant with Israel. After all, if God had really done away with the Old Covenant, then why was He still working through the Temple, the sacrifices, the Levitical priesthood, and the holy city of Jerusalem? These essential elements of Judaism and the Old Covenant still remained after Christ, so obviously He was not the Messiah, and therefore Christianity was not the true way to God, argued the First Century Jewish authorities.
But the writer to the Hebrews argues the case for Christ and Christianity in the face of this attack. He shows that Christ is superior to the Old Covenant. He is greater than mere angels; greater than Moses; greater than the High Priest; greater than sacrifices; greater than the temple; greater than the Old Covenant itself; and deserves our utmost devotion!
Hebrews 1 – 4 Jesus is superior
Hebrews 1 Superior to angels
Hebrews 2 Superior to any man
Hebrews 3 Superior to Moses
Hebrews 4 Superior to Joshua
Hebrews 5 – 8 Jesus Is Our High Priest
Hebrews 6 Be fruitful in your devotion to Christ as our eternal High Priest
Hebrews 7 Christ is a Priest after the order of Melchizedek
Hebrews 8 Christ, a minister of a superior covenant
Hebrews 9 – 10 Jesus is Our Sacrifice For Sins
Hebrews 9 Christ offered himself in the perfect Temple/Tabernacle (Heaven)
Hebrews 10 Christ was the Anti-type of the entire Old Covenant
Hebrews 11 Remain Faithful To Christ
Hebrews 11 Faith heroes who persevered
Hebrews 12 Encouragement To Persevere
Hebrews 12 God’s Fatherhood and Discipline
Hebrews 12 The Heavenly Jerusalem
Hebrews 13 Implications of Perseverance
This PDFs are in a question and answer format making them an ideal for a small group Bible Study –