The Western Wall which exists today is not the same wall that existed in the time of Christ. Firstly, it was still under construction, and not completed till a few years later. After the Romans had damaged it, it began to be reconstructed under the Umayyad Caliphate in the seventh century, then what has survived to the present day was completed by the Byzantine Empire several centuries later. This is important to know because then we can recognised that the predictions given by Jesus in Matthew 24 were indeed fulfilled just as He said they would be — and, just at the time He said they would be.

Is Israel God’s Unfinished Business?

Is Israel God’s Unfinished Business?

It’s become a multi-billion dollar industry. There’s a lot at stake! God help anyone who dares challenge this belief. It is a belief that is promoted by powerful Washington lobbyists, very prominent journalists, the most powerful TV preachers. Anyone who even questions this program is labelled as an Anti-Semitist or worst still- a heretic. It comes in various forms (or extremes) but nearly all of its proponents deride their opponents as promoting “Replacement” Theology. But what if those who promote the preeminence of Israel and the validity of the Old Covenant being “their” covenant for today are actually the true promoters of “Replacement” theology? Is Israel really God’s unfinished business?

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